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I have ulcerative colitis can I get
Hi Sourav,
Kindly try our Eupeso D.S. Syrup 2 -3 tsf thrice a day and Fibrovac granules 1 tsf at bed time.
regards -
I have cronic mild ilietis
Dear customer,
Thanks for your interest in Dirocure Syrup. Our Dirocure Syrup is a poly herbal formulation that helps in the management of non specific diarrhoea and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome).It helps in regulating bowel movement in a natural way and helps it to function normal. Our patients and medical fraternity who are using or prescribing diraocure are very much satisfying with its result.
Kindly try it for a longer period (minimum 2-3 months for better result). We advise to use our Fibrovac granules 1-2 tsf with lukewarm water at bed time.
Note: There are many reasons that may causes Chronic ileitis or inflammation in small intestine. We advise you to consult your physician for proper diagnosis.