Key Herbs
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India is home to many herbs that has medicinal value. These herbs have been used for a very long times by our ancestors to cure many ailments and prepare our body to fight against illness etc.
In Eastern India, the plant is used as one of the nine components of navapatrika along with young plantain or banana plant, taro leaves, barley (jayanti), wood apple (bilva), pomegranate (darimba), asoka, manaka or manakochu, and rice paddy. The Navapatrika worship is an important part of Durga festival rituals.
Haldi ceremony (called Gaye holud in Bengal) (literally "yellow on the body") is a ceremony observed during Hindu and South Asian Muslim wedding celebrations in many parts of India, including Bengal, Punjab, Maharashtra, and Gujarat, and in Pakistan.
In Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, as a part of the Tamil–Telugu marriage ritual, dried turmeric tuber tied with string is used to create a Thali necklace, the equivalent of marriage rings in western cultures. In western and coastal India, during weddings of the Marathi and Konkani people, Kannada Brahmins turmeric tubers are tied with strings by the couple to their wrists during a ceremony, Kankanabandhana.
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Tulsi ( Basil)
The essential oils found in Tulsi act on our respiratory system. It is rich in Antioxidants which helps in mitigating stress and conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure. Tulsi has Linoleic acid which is extremely beneficial for skin
Disclaimer: This information is taken for your information only and has been taken from Wikipedia.