Serpentina Plus, Herbal capsules for High Blood Pressure , Works as a Comprehensive Cardio Protective
Serpentina Plus, Herbal capsules for High Blood Pressure , Works as a Comprehensive Cardio Protective - Aadya Life Sciences
Serpentina Plus, Herbal capsules for High Blood Pressure , Works as a Comprehensive Cardio Protective - Aadya Life Sciences
Serpentina Plus, Herbal capsules for High Blood Pressure , Works as a Comprehensive Cardio Protective - Aadya Life Sciences
Serpentina Plus, Herbal capsules for High Blood Pressure , Works as a Comprehensive Cardio Protective - Aadya Life Sciences
Serpentina Plus, Herbal capsules for High Blood Pressure , Works as a Comprehensive Cardio Protective - Aadya Life Sciences
Serpentina Plus, Herbal capsules for High Blood Pressure , Works as a Comprehensive Cardio Protective - Aadya Life Sciences
Serpentina Plus, Herbal capsules for High Blood Pressure , Works as a Comprehensive Cardio Protective - Aadya Life Sciences
Serpentina Plus, Herbal capsules for High Blood Pressure , Works as a Comprehensive Cardio Protective - Aadya Life Sciences

Serpentina Plus, Herbal capsules for High Blood Pressure , Works as a Comprehensive Cardio Protective

Aadya Life Sciences

Regular price Rs. 480 Rs. 380 Sale


Aadya Life's Serpentina Plus helps in the management of stabilizing blood pressure and works as a comprehensive cardioprotective herbal remedy. It is a supportive therapy in patients with a risk of heart-related problems.

Serpentina Plus controls high blood pressure and works as an adjuvant in the therapy of hypertensive patients with cardiac risk factors. It effectively reduces physical, chemical, and biological stress and normalizes cardiac functions. It helps in protecting the heart from the complications of hypertension. It regulates serum lipids by effectively reducing cholesterol (LDL & VLDL) and triglyceride levels.


  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Rejuvenates cardiovascular system
  • Exerts cardioprotective activity
  • Mild to moderate Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  • As Adjuvant in Hyperlipidemia and Hypercholesterolemia conditions
  • An adjuvant in the therapy of hypertensive patients with cardiac risk factors.


      1-2 capsule(s) twice daily or as directed by the physician
      Maintenance dose 1 capsule twice daily for long term use


      • Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina) - Contains RESERPINE to reduce the blood pressure and controls, the adrenergic tone and anxiety.
      • Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) - Acts as cardioprotective and regulates blood pressure
      • Jatamansi - Acts as Anti-hypertensive protects the arteries from free radical damage and exhibits anti-anxiety & anti-depressant in action.
      • Allium sativum - Reduces the risk of blood clots, it also lowers blood cholesterol levels.
      • Acorus calamus - Contains SAPONIN, exhibits anti-hypertensive, antioxidant, and anti-anxiety properties.
      • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) - Exhibits anti-anxiety properties and helps reduce cholesterol level


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      The information on this page should not be treated as a substitution for professional medical advice. You are advised to consult your ayurvedic physician for diagnosis or treatment.


      Ask a Question
      • how much 1 bottle

        Hello Cynthia Angeles.

        Thanks for your interest in Serpentina Plus Capsule. Serpentina Plus Capsules are presented in Blister Pack. Eack Pack of Serpentina Plus Contains 30 capsules (3*10 Capslues).

        Serpentina Plus helps in stabilizing blood pressure and works as a comprehensive cardio protective. It is a supportive therapy in patients with risk of heart problems. Combination of Natural herbs (such as Sarpgandha, Jatamansi and ashwagandha) in Serpentina Plus helps in controlling high blood pressure and works as an adjuvant (support) in therapy of angina in patients with cardiac risk factors. It helps in stabilizing the raised systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. It effectively reduces physical, chemical and biological stress and normalizes cardiac functions.

      • I am Type 2 Diabetic patient from past 4 years and taking alopathy medicine. From past one year I suffered by High Blood Pressure and taking alopathy medicine for the same. Can I take Serpentina Plus capsule to control high BP?

        Thanks for your interest in Serpentina Plus Capsule. Serpentina Plus helps in stabilizing blood pressure and works as a comprehensive cardio protective. It is a supportive therapy in patients with risk of heart problems. Combination of Natural herbs (such as Sarpgandha, Jatamansi and ashwagandha) in Serpentina Plus helps in controlling high blood pressure and works as an adjuvant (support) in therapy of angina in patients with cardiac risk factors. It helps in stabilizing the raised systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. It effectively reduces physical, chemical and biological stress and normalizes cardiac functions. It can be taken by Diabetic patient with Hypertension as well. Kindly note that it can be used as an adjuvant (support) therapy and it’s effect on people may vary depending upon how their body respond to medicine. You are advised to continue your medication, you are taking for diabetes and High Blood Pressure and monitored your B. P. and sugar level on regular basis and advise your physician. Regards Customer Care Team

      • Hi! My father is a stroke patient. He is diabetic and taking insulin. Can he take serpentina capsule even he is taking maintenance like clopidogrel, lozartan, Amlodipine and atorvastatin? If yes, can you guide me about the dosage please? Thank you! More power and Godbless.

        Dear Customer,

        He can take serpentina plus as it is an herbal formulation having natural ingredients. It works as a support therapy. He is advised to monitor his B.P. regularly and continued with the other medication advised by his physician.


        customer care

      • I am suffering from insomnia diabetis andfaty liver can I take serpentine plus with my allopathic medcine

        Hello Mr. Satpathy,

        You may take our Kalm fort for insomnia related problem.

        Kalm fort Capsule is an ayurvedic formulation that helps in sleeplessness, anxiety and other psychological stress related issues. Kalm Fort Capsule helps in achieving a calm state of mind and healthy body.

        Yest it can be taken with along with other treatment related to Diabetes and liver ailments. However you may start with 1 capsule in the evening and later on increase up to 2 capsules in the night (after the meal).


      • Can I take serpentina capsule. I have 12mml blood sugar.

        Hi Joneselle,

        Serpentina Plus is a medicine based on herbal formulation in the management of Hypertesion. You may take it in problems related to high blood pressure.

        We have Regulodiaba that support in the management of Type - 2 NIDDM .

        customer care

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 1 review
      Hypertension aka High Blood Pressure - No More!

      For last couple of years, I was suffering from hypertension mainly due to my hectic lifestyle and hereditary reason - my mom also has high blood pressure. At every checkup, my doctor at Kaiser Permanente (Santa Clara, CA, USA) was harassing me to start taking prescription medicines. They have a good reason for it. High blood pressure is a silent killer. It impacts your vital organs - heart, kidney etc.

      I was resisting because all allopathic medicines for hypertension create dependency and have long term side-effects. Dr. Sandeep Goel at Aadya Life Sciences recommended me to take Serpentina Plus capsules once a day before bed time. Within a week of starting on Serpentina Plus, I observed that I was sleeping better and the herbal medication seemed to have a calming effect on me. My doctor was pleasantly surprised that my blood pressure has come down to the normal range now. I still take my medication “fairly regularly” and monitor my blood pressure closely and still find it to be in normal range. Based on my personal experience, I can say Serpentina Plus works for hypertension aka high blood pressure.